Content marketing for lawyers: Stand out from competitors!

Lately, more and more lawyers are realizing the importance of content marketing to improve their law firm’s marketing strategy.

There are many reasons to consider content marketing for lawyers vital for any marketing campaign. Content marketing will increase brand awareness, will help you build better relationships with your clients and will surely produce more leads. On top of all this, it will dramatically boost your revenue.

Global Wizards, our digital marketing company, specializes in content marketing for lawyers and has many years of experience in the field of law business.

Content Marketing Is Key

Throughout the years we have noticed that consumers, in general, are much more aware of advertising tactics and sometimes using a particular approach that might have been useful before is not enough to convince web visitors. What your website says and how it is shown help people decide whether to call for your services or not.

Effective content marketing for lawyers will give the right impression about your firm and will position it as a trusted leader in the field.

Some Benefits of Content Marketing for Lawyers

  • Increase website traffic

Your firm’s website needs to be filled with valuable content to attract visitors’ attention. It is widely known that Google’s organic search results are based on relevant content, which draws people in.

Successful businesses know that the only way to stay afloat in today’s competitive environment is through content marketing. By creating high-quality content using SEO keywords, you can start building your audience to find leads.

The better the content your company produces -articles, blog posts or other types of written material- the higher it’ll rank on Google search pages. As a consequence, your firm will be more visible to potential clients. The end result is a site that gets high-quality visitors, and those who visit are more likely to convert into clients.

  • Build trust

In the legal world, one of the key qualities you need to have is a trustworthy personality. So rather than simply doing self-promotion or trying to sell something on behalf of yourself and your company, create content that provides helpful insights and expert advice. Your firm will gain value as long as you show them what makes you great at doing your job from an expert perspective!

The aim is to generate authentic content that encourages potential and existing clients to rely on your firm as a professional and trusted source for expert knowledge.

  • Increase Brand Awareness

Establishing brand awareness is one of the most powerful ways to market your business. In fact, it can be an effective marketing strategy for generating leads and increasing sales rates.

Content marketing will place your law firm on potential clients’ radar, so when they need to hire a lawyer, your firm will be their first option. The reason behind this is the fact that people often prefer what’s familiar.

  • Improve client relationships

Content marketing for lawyers is about offering professional information in an attractive and entertaining way.

When potential clients find the exact answer to their questions on your webpage, they start building a closer relationship with your firm. Besides, if you mix being informative and entertaining at the same time, you are more likely to form stronger bonds with your audience.

  • Save Money

Compared to other ways of advertising, content marketing for lawyers is significantly more cost-effective. Social media platforms are great resources to increase exposure and reach.

Posting interesting content on your website, blogs and social media is by far cheaper than using traditional forms of marketing.

  • Increase sales

Nowadays, people use the Internet to look for fast solutions to solve their problems. Law firms and companies, in general, are aware of this fact and spend a great part of their marketing budgets improving their online marketing efforts.

Effective content marketing for lawyers helps to increase web traffic and brand awareness. Consequently, it develops stronger relationships between your firm and your target audience, leading to a sales increment.


Types of Content

People can actually detect slimy sales pitches easily. Content marketing for lawyers is about convincing people that your legal services are what they need, without doing so in an obvious way.

To put it simply: Your firm won’t need to make a sales pitch anymore! By sharing valuable content, you will ensure to attract new clients organically.

Next, Global Wizards will show you some content marketing ideas for lawyers that will be very useful for you. Our company will help you choose the best form of content depending on your target audience.


Blog posts are an engaging way to provide valuable information for your target audience. They’re informative, which means that you can introduce interesting topics related to the services you offer.




Ebooks are typically longer than blogs, and lawyers use them to attract web visitors to their law firms.

A great way to grow your contact list in law firm CRM is by offering a gated e-book on particular legal issues. You can get people’s emails with this offer!


If you want to share your knowledge, and you have the right recording equipment, consider making a podcast. Podcasts are an easy way for professionals to engage their listeners and share information.

Also, you let your audience get to know you better on a personal level.



Social Media

There are many platforms to choose from. Although you can create a business profile on many of them, some social networks are more appealing than others in the legal industry.

Facebook is always a good place to start because it has millions of users. All you need is to create a page for your business, share your opinion on some articles and topics and provide some extra insight. Plus, it is a very good idea to start conversations with your audience because it will surely increase engagement.

Do you want to see some of our best cases? Global Wizards provides many law firms with content marketing and social media management services!

Global Wizards’ Magic Wand

Although content marketing for lawyers is a fundamental part of any marketing strategy, most law firms don’t have enough time, nor the knowledge, to obtain valuable results.

Global Wizards is a digital marketing agency with many years of experience in content marketing for lawyers. We work together with law firms to help them show their true potential, maximizing their efforts. Our team works hard to show the world that your company provides the best legal services.

If you want to know more about us, take a look at our services. You can also visit our blog to read about the latest news on the digital marketing world. If you want to share your project with us, you can schedule a 30-min consultation. We would love to be part of it!

Fernando Polti
Fernando Polti
CEO at Wizards | [email protected] | + posts

Fernando is a tech-savvy businessman and social entrepreneur with over 12 years of experience in the ICT industry. The idea of creating Global Wizards was born in August 2015 when he had an epiphany that allowed me to see my true calling: to create cutting-edge technologies and use them in the world of entertainment.


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