The best 7 future SEO trends for the upcoming year


When it comes to finding an effective and affordable marketing strategy to drive more traffic, generate leads and increase sales, nothing beats SEO. Many marketers believe search engine optimization is much more effective than PPC.

However, SEO strategies are constantly changing due to Google’s algorithms updates. Currently, there are 200 factors that Google uses to rank websites. This is probably the reason you need to be aware of the latest trends to incorporate them into your SEO strategy and make your business rank higher on SERPs.

AI SEO will clearly be more accurate and fast than manual SEO.

As you may know, Artificial Intelligence is taking part in many industries nowadays. SEO will not be the exception and soon marketers will use AI to understand customer behavior, develop new strategies, analyze content performance on search engines and more.

  • Voice search will control Search Engines

With the rise of voice assistants, people are now able to do everything with just their voices. The way we speak to our devices is changing, and the results are exciting.

A recent study has shown that most people now prefer talking directly to their phones rather than typing in search queries on a screen or laptop keyboard because they can be more natural doing less effort.

So, according to Wizards’ SEO experts, a way to optimize your content for voice search is to target longer and more natural-sounding phrases.

  • Mobile-friendliness is still important

In 2021 more than half of the internet traffic came from mobile devices, meaning mobile has beaten desktop.

As we are living much of our lives through this medium, it makes sense that companies need to take advantage by making sure their sites and content can easily be accessed on mobile devices.

To make your website mobile-friendly, be sure to create a responsive design for all screen sizes that loads fast. Also, your CTA buttons should be larger so that visitors can easily click on them.

  • Videos are more attractive than text

Video content is more likely to be engaging and memorable than text. People are always on the go, and sometimes it’s hard to find time for reading articles, so they tend to interact more often with videos.

The rising of YouTube, TikTok, and Reels is the main reason why people are more interested in visual content, so Wizards strongly recommends creating and adding videos to your websites. If you want to make a positive impact on your SEO, keep this strategy in mind.

  • Focus on the EAT principle

EAT stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

The need for quality content that drives engagement is a key component of modern SEO. This means creating high-quality articles and ensuring they’re regularly updated with new and valuable information. Nowadays, quality and credibility is what matters most to rank higher.

A website that is written and reviewed by experts and produces high-quality content will rank higher on search engines. You need a website filled with knowledge, not just words on a page!

  • Long form, quality content is vital

Longer content is better. If you want your business to rank higher, your website’s average word count should be around 2,400 words or more according to the top ranking pages on Google.

When it comes to ranking and getting traffic, long-form content outperforms short articles. Longer pieces provide in depth information about a topic with complete details that are not found on shorter pieces of writing like blog posts or product descriptions.

  • Refresh Old content

What most people don’t know is that refreshing and updating old content is a secret SEO strategy that many marketers use.

Freshly created material will rank better than outdated items in most cases, especially if old content was made at least two years ago. However, due to the fact that new content requires more resources, many marketers are updating their older content to regain traffic and take the most out of their initial investment.


Ready, set, go!

To outrank your competitors, you need a strong SEO strategy. Don’t wait till the very end of the year, start implementing these future SEO trends now!

Wizards is a digital marketing agency that offers expert SEO services to boost your business. We are constantly looking after SEO trends and strategies to deliver outstanding results.

Our team is made up of SEO experts that will accompany you along the way so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Besides, Wizards provides its clients with complementary services like custom web development or social media management to maximize results.

If you want to know more about us, don’t hesitate to drop us a line. We look forward to hearing from you!

Fernando Polti
Fernando Polti
CEO at Wizards | [email protected] | + posts

Fernando is a tech-savvy businessman and social entrepreneur with over 12 years of experience in the ICT industry. The idea of creating Global Wizards was born in August 2015 when he had an epiphany that allowed me to see my true calling: to create cutting-edge technologies and use them in the world of entertainment.


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